Today Feb 17, 2017
Mostly Sunny today:
Highs around 79°F. North wind to 10 MPH.
Partly Cloudy
during the night: Lows around 64°F. East wind to 8 MPH.
Saturday Feb 18
Partly cloudy
with isolated thunderstorms during the day: Highs around 82°F. Southeast wind 9 to 14 MPH. Chance of rain 20
Partly cloudy
with isolated thunderstorms. night: Lows
around 70°F. South southeast wind to 8 MPH. Chance of rain 20 percent.
Sunday Feb 19
Partly cloudy
with isolated showers during day: Highs
around 84°F. Southwest wind to 10 MPH.
Chance of rain 20 percent.
Partly cloudy
with isolated showers during the night: Lows
around 68°F. West
wind to 8 MPH. Chance of rain 20 percent.
Monday Feb 20
Mostly Sunny during
the day: Highs around 82°F. Northeast
wind 5 to 11 MPH.
Partly Cloudy
during the night: Lows around 68°F. East northeast wind to 11 MPH.
Tuesday Feb 21
Partly Cloudy
during the day: Highs around 81°F. East wind 10 to 15 MPH.
Partly Cloudy
during the night: Lows around 68°F. East wind to 14 MPH.
Wednesday Feb 22
Mostly cloudy
with scattered showers during the day: Highs
around 81°F. East southeast wind 11 to
16 MPH. Chance of rain 30 percent.
Mostly cloudy
with scattered showers during the night: Lows around 66°F. Southeast wind to 16 MPH. Chance of rain increase
to 50 percent due the approach of a Gulf
low forecast to track over the state. Severe storms can’t be ruled out as a squall line is forecast
to move across the state ahead of the low pressure system.
Thursday Feb 23
Mostly cloudy
with scattered showers during the day: Highs
around 81°F. South southeast wind to 15
MPH. Chance of rain increases 50 percent due to Gulf low forecast to
pass over the state of Florida. Severe storms can’t be ruled out as a squall line is forecast
to move across the state ahead of the low pressure system.
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