Friday, July 12, 2024



All remains quiet in the tropics for now. This is a good time to check your plan of action and your supplies to make sure you are ready for whatever comes your way. 

  • Check shutters, window covers, etc. 
  • Generators, change the oil. Check the tank to make sure it is not rusted. After doing regular maintenance, make sure it runs. Then turn off the choke while it is running to drain gas from the feed line and carburetor. Drain left over gas from tank. They sell conversion kits for your gas generators that will make you a tri-fuel generator, so you can use gas or propane.
  • Flashlights and lanterns cause battery corrosion on contacts, especially if you leave the batteries in them. Alkaline batteries tend to corrode if left in flashlights for a long period of time. Always remember to remove batteries from radios and flashlights you don't use and store them away.
  • Check the tiles and the integrity of your roof. 
  • Plastic tool sheds need to be strapped down. Your local home improvement store has special straps to fasten them down. 
  • Get yourself some FRS radios for local communications.
  • Weather Radio with AM/FM light and battery crank. 
  • Large tarp to cover the roof after the storm. 

These are some of the many things you should be doing to get ready for the peak of the 2024 hurricane season. 



Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
800 AM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

1. Off the South Carolina Coast:
A broad area of low pressure located about a hundred miles off the
coast of South Carolina continues to produce disorganized showers
and thunderstorms. Strong upper-level winds should limit any
development of this system before it moves inland over South
Carolina and North Carolina later today. However, the disturbance
could contribute to areas of heavy rainfall and possible flash
flooding across coastal portions of the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic
through tonight. For more information about the potential for heavy
rainfall, see products issued by the Weather Prediction Center and
your local National Weather Service office.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...low...near 0 percent.

Forecaster Papin
ACCA62 KNHC 121116

Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo en el Trópico
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
800 AM EDT viernes 12 de julio de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Frente a la Costa de Carolina del Sur: Una amplia área de baja
presión localizada alrededor de cien millas de la costa de Carolina
del Sur continúa produciendo aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas
desorganizadas. Fuertes vientos de nivel superior deben limitar
cualquier desarrollo de este sistema antes de que se mueva tierra
adentro sobre Carolina del Sur y Carolina del Norte más tarde hoy.
Sin embargo, la perturbación podría contribuir a áreas de fuertes
lluvias y posibles inundaciones repentinas a través de porciones
costeras de las Carolinas y el Atlántico Medio hasta esta noche.
Para más información sobre el potencial de fuertes lluvias, vea los
productos emitidos por el Centro de Predicción del Tiempo y su
oficina del Servicio Nacional de Meteorología local.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...baja...cerca del 0 por
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...baja...cerca del 0 por

Pronosticador Papin

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
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