Friday, August 2, 2024



Invest 97L is partially over Northeast Cuba but it is looking well organized.  So Florida Florida Key and the Florida west coast needs to continue monitoring NHC updates through the day I am heading out of town so I will do updates from phone and laptop at times.  

Southeast Florida will experience some outer bands from this system as it tracks east of the Southwest Florida coast.  Strong Gusty winds and brief heavy rains, are possible and localized flooding is also possible if the bands of storms train over the same area for a period of time.  We will be on the dirty side of this system so this is something to be aware of on Saturday.  This is the Hwrf models forecast and that will change in time.  So this is just a heads up, if this model is correct you know what to expect.  Be storm ready!

And remember to monitor The National Hurricane Centers updates!



Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
200 AM EDT Fri Aug 2 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

1. Straits of Florida and Eastern Gulf of Mexico (AL97):
A well-defined tropical wave is producing a large area of
disorganized showers and thunderstorms over Hispaniola, the
southeastern Bahamas, eastern Cuba, and the adjacent waters of the
southwestern Atlantic. The wave is expected to move near or over
Cuba throughout the day and then emerge over the Straits of Florida
tonight or Saturday. Environmental conditions are expected to be
conducive for additional development after that time, and a tropical
depression is likely to form this weekend over the Straits of
Florida or eastern Gulf of Mexico near the Florida Peninsula.
Tropical storm watches or warnings could be required for portions of
Florida later today.

Regardless of development, heavy rains could cause areas of flash
flooding across Florida, Cuba, and the Bahamas through the weekend,
and interests in these locations should continue to monitor the
progress of this system. A NOAA Hurricane Hunter aircraft is
scheduled to investigate this system later today, if necessary.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...medium...50 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...high...80 percent.

Forecaster Cangialosi
ACCA62 KNHC 021130
ACCA62 KNHC 021130

Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo en el Trópico
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
800 AM EDT viernes 2 de agosto de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Estrechos de Florida y este del Golfo de México (AL97): Una onda
tropical bien definida está produciendo una gran área de aguaceros y
tormentas eléctricas mal organizadas sobre el este de Cuba, La
Española, el sureste de Bahamas y Jamaica, así como las aguas
adyacentes del Atlántico suroeste y el Mar Caribe. Se espera que la
ola se mueva cerca o sobre Cuba durante el día y luego emerja sobre
los Estrechos de Florida esta noche o el sábado. Se espera que las
condiciones ambientales sean propicias para un desarrollo adicional
después de ese tiempo, y es probable que se forme una depresión
tropical este fin de semana sobre el Estrecho de Florida o el este
del Golfo de México cerca de la Península de Florida. Podrían
requerirse vigilancias o avisos de tormenta tropical para porciones
de Florida más tarde hoy.

Independientemente del desarrollo, las fuertes lluvias podrían
causar áreas de inundaciones repentinas a través de Florida, Cuba y
las Bahamas hasta el fin de semana, y los intereses en estos lugares
deben continuar monitoreando el progreso de este sistema. Un avión
Cazahuracán de la NOAA está programado para investigar este sistema
más tarde hoy.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...medio...60 por ciento.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...alta...90 por ciento.

Pronosticador Beven

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