Tuesday, July 30, 2024



Good morning. I hope you are all having a blessed day. Well, so far, the dry air continues to hinder the development of this system, but I am seeing scattered, isolated showers beginning to develop within the broad circulation. The EURO and ICON models do not seem to show much development with this system, maybe a tropical depression, but a tropical storm can't be ruled out. Conditions in the upper-levels are somewhat favorable where it is located now and as it approaches the western Bahamas and the Florida coast. So some development is expected. GFS shows development in the Gulf of Mexico east of Florida. To me, all this is simply speculation at this time, so we all should continue to monitor updates from NHC at 0800 AM, 0200 PM, and O800 PM EDT daily.



Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
800 AM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

1. Near the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas:
A large tropical wave centered several hundred miles east of the
Lesser Antilles is producing limited shower activity due to
environmental dry air. Conditions are forecast to become a little
more conducive for development over the warmer waters of the
southwestern Atlantic Ocean, and a tropical depression could form
late this week while the system is in the vicinity of the Greater
Antilles or the Bahamas. Interests in the Greater Antilles, the
Bahamas, and the southeastern U.S. should monitor the progress of
this system.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...60 percent.

Forecaster Cangialosi
ACCA62 KNHC 301144

Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo en el Trópico
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
800 AM EDT martes 30 de julio de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Cerca de las Antillas Mayores y las Bahamas: Una gran onda tropical
centrada varios cientos de millas al este de las Antillas Menores
está produciendo una actividad limitada de aguaceros debido al aire
seco ambiental. Se pronostica que las condiciones se volverán un
poco más propicias para el desarrollo sobre las aguas más cálidas
del Océano Atlántico suroeste, y podría formarse una depresión
tropical esta semana mientras el sistema se encuentre en las
cercanías de las Grandes Antillas o de las Bahamas. Los intereses en
las Grandes Antillas, las Bahamas y el sureste de Estados Unidos
deben monitorear el progreso de este sistema.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...baja...cerca del 0 por
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...medio...60 por ciento.

Pronosticador Cangialosi

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