Monday, October 14, 2024



Good morning. I hope your having an awesome start to the work week. I am still monitoring the southern and western Caribbean for development in the coming week. I am also monitoring Storm Investigation 94L, which has a medium 50% chance for formation within seven days. 

A strong cold front is forecast to drop southeast over Florida, and a high pressure will then build in behind the front. This strong high will extend out over Bermuda, and the Azores high will then build west and merge with the U.S. high. The outer ridge of the high will induce a westerly flow and force Invest 94L westward.

Then the frontal boundary that moves offshore Florida will stall out and back up over the Florida Straits. This will prevent 94L from proceeding further west past the Bahamas, and the combination of the high and the front will cause 94L to slow and become nearly stationary or find a weakness in the high pressure and turns northeast into the weakness. Note forecast are subject to change in the coming days so I will continue monitoring.

This high will also prevent the Caribbean storm system from tracking very far north. So far, this is what I see with the models at this time. Enjoy the first fall cool front.




Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
800 AM EDT Mon Oct 14 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

1. Central Tropical Atlantic (AL94):
A well-defined area of low pressure located several hundred miles
west of the Cabo Verde Islands is producing some disorganized
showers and thunderstorms. This system is currently embedded in a
dry environment, and development is unlikely over the next couple of
days. However, this system is forecast to move generally westward
toward warmer waters, and environmental conditions could become more
favorable for gradual development by the middle to latter part of
this week. A tropical depression could form as the system begins
moving west-northwestward and approaches or moves near the Leeward
Islands late this week.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...10 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...50 percent.

Forecaster Hagen
ACCA62 KNHC 141139

Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo en el Trópico
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
800 AM EDT lunes 14 de octubre de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Atlántico Tropical Central (AL94): Un área bien definida de baja
presión localizada varios cientos de millas al oeste de las Islas de
Cabo Verde está produciendo algunos aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas
desorganizadas. Este sistema está actualmente incrustado en un
ambiente seco, y es poco probable que se desarrolle durante los
próximos dos días. Sin embargo, se pronostica que este sistema se
moverá generalmente hacia el oeste hacia aguas más cálidas, y las
condiciones ambientales podrían volverse más favorables para el
desarrollo gradual para la mitad a última parte de esta semana. Una
depresión tropical podría formarse a medida que el sistema comienza
a moverse hacia el oeste-noroeste y se acerca o se mueve cerca de
las Islas de Sotavento a fines de esta semana.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...baja...10 por ciento.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...medio...50 por ciento.

Pronosticador Hagen

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
siempre la versión autorizada. ***

Saturday, October 12, 2024



I hope you all are having a nice start to the weekend. Looking ahead, there are no signs of tropical cyclones developing in the Caribbean for the next 7 days.

A fall cold front will drop south by Wednesday of next week. Behind this front, a high will build south and east over the Atlantic. The Azores high will also build west, merging with the east U.S. high, forcing any Atlantic system westward. This can be seen in the ensemble models through the end of next week. Any development in the Caribbean would be turned westward across central America until the high moves further over the Atlantic. Ensemble models show possible storm tracking north into the Gulf, so I continue to monitor this area. As for Invest 94L, it will briefly track northwest, then turn southwest and west in response to the strong high pressure ridge, so the system could make it into the Caribbean or north of the greater Antilles. So for now, enjoy the storm break and monitor the tropics.



ABNT20 KNHC 121131

Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
800 AM EDT Sat Oct 12 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

Active Systems:
The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Tropical 
Storm Leslie, located over the central Atlantic Ocean.

Eastern Tropical Atlantic (AL94):
The circulation associated with an area of low pressure located a 
couple of hundred miles west of the Cabo Verde Islands appears to 
have become slightly better defined this morning. However, the 
associated shower and thunderstorm activity is only marginally 
well-organized, and environmental conditions are expected to become 
less conducive for further development later today. A short-lived 
tropical depression could still form at any time today while the 
system moves generally westward. After that time, the system is 
forecast to continue moving westward across the central tropical 
Atlantic, but further development is not anticipated through at 
least the middle of next week.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...medium...40 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...40 percent.

Forecaster D. Zelinsky
ACCA62 KNHC 121132

Perspectiva sobre las Condiciones del Tiempo en el Trópico
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
800 AM EDT sábado 12 de octubre de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Sistemas Activos: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes está emitiendo
advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Leslie, ubicada sobre el
Océano Atlántico central.

Atlántico Tropical Este (AL94): La circulación associada con un área
de baja presión localizada un par de cientos de millas al oeste de
las Islas de Cabo Verde parece haberse vuelto ligeramente mejor
definida esta mañana. Sin embargo, la actividad de aguaceros y
tormentas eléctricas associadas está solo marginalmente bien
organizada, y se espera que las condiciones ambientales se vuelvan
menos propicias para un mayor desarrollo más tarde hoy. Una
depresión tropical de corta duración todavía podría formarse en
cualquier momento hoy mientras el sistema se mueve generalmente
hacia el oeste. Después de ese tiempo, se pronostica que el sistema
continuará moviéndose hacia el oeste a través del Atlántico tropical
central, pero no se anticipa un mayor desarrollo hasta al menos la
mitad de la próxima semana.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...medio...40 por ciento.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...medio...40 por ciento.

Pronosticador D. Zelinsky

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
siempre la versión autorizada. ***

Friday, October 11, 2024



I hope you are having a great morning, and please continue praying for those affected by these hurricanes.

For at least the next seven days we will be storm-free, from the Caribbean or Gulf, as next week a cold front will drop in and a strong high pressure will build in behind the front and extend south and east over the Gulf and a portion of the Atlantic. The Azores high will also build west and force Invest 94L westward. This system has a medium 50/50% chance for formation within 48 hours and 7 days. This is seen on the ensemble models below. So I will keep an eye on this system that could become a hurricane as it tracks westward. 

The ensemble models also hint that low pressure could form in the southern or western Caribbean; however, a northward track may be blocked if the high remains over the Gulf, and a westward track over Central America or the Yucatan would be more likely. 

Since the model forecast changes every run, I will monitor them through next week for any changes that could affect the Gulf coast and Invest 94L that come in from the east.

Have a blessed weekend,




Special Tropical Weather Outlook
NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL
910 AM EDT Fri Oct 11 2024

For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico:

Special outlook issued to update discussion of the disturbance near
the Cabo Verde Islands (AL94).

Active Systems:
The National Hurricane Center is issuing advisories on Tropical
Storm Leslie, located over the central subtropical Atlantic Ocean.

1. Near the Cabo Verde Islands (AL94):
Updated: Very recent satellite-derived wind data indicate that
winds to tropical storm force are occurring over portions of the
Cabo Verde Islands in association with an area of low pressure
centered near the southwestern portion of the archipelago.
However, the satellite data showed that the circulation is
elongated, and the associated shower and thunderstorm activity
remains disorganized. Some additional development is possible, and
a short-lived tropical storm could form while the system moves
westward or west-northwestward at 10 to 15 mph across the Cabo Verde
Islands and eastern tropical Atlantic today. On Saturday,
environmental conditions are forecast to become less conducive, and
further development appears unlikely after that time. Regardless of
development, winds to tropical storm force and areas of heavy rain
are likely to continue over portions of the Cabo Verde Islands
through tonight. For additional information on this system,
including gale warnings, please see High Seas Forecasts issued by
Meteo France.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...medium...50 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...50 percent.

High Seas Forecasts issued by Meteo France under WMO header FQNT50
LFPW and available on the web at

Forecaster Berg
ACCA62 KNHC 111310

Perspectiva Especial de Tiempo Tropical
Centro Nacional de Huracanes del SNM Miami FL
910 AM EDT viernes 11 de octubre de 2024

Para el Atlántico Norte...Mar Caribe y el Golfo de México:

Perspectiva especial emitida para actualizar la discusión de la
perturbación cerca de las Islas de Cabo Verde (AL94).

Sistemas Activos: El Centro Nacional de Huracanes está emitiendo
advertencias sobre la Tormenta Tropical Leslie, ubicada sobre el
Océano Atlántico subtropical central.

Cerca de las Islas de Cabo Verde (AL94): Actualizado: Datos de
viento muy recientes derivados de satélites indican que están
ocurriendo vientos con fuerza de tormenta tropical sobre porciones
de las Islas de Cabo Verde en associación con un área de baja
presión centrada cerca de la porción suroeste del archipiélago.  Sin
embargo, los datos de satélite mostraron que la circulación es
alargada, y la actividad de aguaceros y tormentas eléctricas
associadas permanece desorganizada. Es posible algún desarrollo
adicional, y una tormenta tropical de corta duración podría formarse
mientras el sistema se mueve hacia el oeste o hacia el oeste-
noroeste a 10 a 15 mph a través de las Islas de Cabo Verde y el
Atlántico tropical este hoy. El sábado, se pronostica que las
condiciones ambientales se volverán menos propicias, y parece poco
probable que haya más desarrollo después de ese tiempo.
Independientemente del desarrollo, es probable que los vientos con
fuerza de tormenta tropical y áreas de fuertes lluvias continúen
sobre porciones de las Islas de Cabo Verde hasta esta noche. Para
información adicional sobre este sistema, incluyendo avisos de
galerna, por favor vea Pronósticos de Alta Mar emitidos por Meteo
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 48 horas...medio...50 por ciento.
* Probabilidad de formación hasta 7 días...medio...50 por ciento.

Pronósticos de Alta Mar emitidos por Meteo France bajo el encabezado
de la OMM FQNT50 LFPW y disponible en la web en

Pronosticador Berg

*** Este producto ha sido procesado automáticamente utilizando un
programa de traducción y puede contener omisiones y errores. El
Servicio Nacional de Meteorología no puede garantizar la precisión
del texto convertido. De haber alguna duda, el texto en inglés es
siempre la versión autorizada. ***

By Sunday will see some Sahara Dry/Air and Dust moving into the Caribbean.

Thursday, October 10, 2024



Monitoring the west Caribbean as the ensemble models are once again hinting development.  I will keep you posted daily. Check back on Facebook, Twitter or here on the blog. Prayers for those affected by these two hurricanes disasters.

Global Tropics Hazards Outlook shows development possible great than 20% chance for formation in the Caribbean in red with white hatch lines.